Monday, January 24, 2011

Drew at 16 Months

I don't usually do these kinds of posts, BUT since I have yet to start a baby book for Drew, I better document some stuff... or else it will be lost forever!!  And by the way, those pictures above.  Really Drew?  It's a PBJ.  How in the world do you get that messy from a PBJ?

Drew at 16 months:
Weight: 21 lbs  (don't know height and head circumference because we haven't been to the doctor in a month or so).
Size Clothes: PJ's and bottoms 12 months, Tops 18 months
Size Diaper: 4
Size Shoe: 4
Favorite Breakfast: Mini-quiches and Bagels with cream cheese
Favorite Lunch: Deli meat and cheese
Favorite Dinner: Quesidillas
Favorite Fruit: Bananas and Blueberries and will tolerate apples, raisins, and strawberries.  DISLIKES melon and cantaloupe.
Favorite Veggies: Green beans, sweet potatoes, zucchini, corn, carrots, and peas. 
Favorite Snack: Goldfish
Guilty Pleasure: Tater tots
Other Favorite meals: hot dogs, PBJ, anything with Cheese, grilled cheese, lasagna, spaghetti, grilled and breaded chicken, mac n cheese, just to name a few!!!
Bottles: Still takes 3 Eight ounce bottles a day and refuses to switch to a sippy cup. 
Favorite Book: sadly, any book any one will take the time to read to him!!!  But he really loves Tails and Peek-a-boo Books.
Favorite Songs:  again, sadly, any song anyone will sing to him, but preferably one that includes clapping.
Favorite toy or past time: Gymboree class, any truck, playing with the ride on toys in the garage. 
Most attached to: Mama and his blankee
Naps: Trying to give up his morning nap but sometimes he sleeps from 10-11, and usually (except for the last few days :( )  he sleeps from 2-4:30 in the afternoon. 
Nighttime: Sleeps from 7pm to 7:15am.
Words: Mama, Dada, Hi, Bye, Baba for bottle, and Eh for Evan...but not always does he say these words in the appropriate setting.  My guess is he will be a late talker.  The poor baby couldn't take a bottle more than an ounce at a time until 8 months and didn't take solids easily until 12 months.  His little mouth has always had weakness issues, so I am sure this will manifest in some speech difficulties as well.  But that's OK.  We will keep working on it!!!
Disposition: Still as happy as can be most of the time!!!

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