Sunday, September 27, 2009

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Last night around 11pm, I was discharged home!!! Obviously it was a bitter sweet homecoming, that goes without saying. This morning Paul and I went to visit Drew. He had a great night, so much so, that they decided to take off his oxygen. But unfortunately when we were there, he started struggling to breath. So I wasn't able to really hold him, and they had to put him back on the oxygen. He also kicked his IV out of his foot, and they had to insert one into his scalp. Poor guy just wants to be left alone. I went back later today to check on him, and he was much more at peace. So I am praying he has a good night.
Evan was over the top excited to have us home today. He didn't want us out of his sight. He didn't want to sleep, just wanted to play with us all day. Which of course was fine with me! He actually asked about the baby. He ran in the baby's room and looked in his crib and said "baby?" I am not sure he knows what is going on, but he seemed curious and open to the idea of sharing Paul and I with his little brother.
On a side note, I was kind of feeling guilty about not naming Drew, Paul's favorite name. But then Maurice Jones Drew ( a Jaguars football player that is on Paul's fantasy team) had a great day and scored Paul a lot of points, and Paul had a change of heart about the name Drew. For the wrong reasons, sure, but at least it got me off the hook!!!


Jenn said...

Abby, My heart aches and sings at the same time for you! Please rest and take the sleep in to heal and enjoy your 2 little ones.

Cassie said...

Abby, Cale had an IV in his scalp as well. I hated it! And all the wires can be quite daunting when all you want to do is snuggle your baby. I know that every day he is getting stronger and stronger and pray that the day you get to bring him home comes VERY soon!