Monday, December 1, 2008

Holiday = Photo Holiday for me!

I haven't posted in a week, that must be a record for me. Most people probably take lots of pictures around the holidays. I didn't take one, not one single picture (Uncle Bobby took this one). Maybe because in a typical day I take 100, and I decided a vacation means a vacation, from everything I do on a typical day!! Actually, my vacation wasn't really relaxed. I worked 4 days in a row at my old job. Which is ALOT for me. I give props to those women that work full time outside the home and have a family at home. WOW. It's like when you get off work, your work is just beginning!! Luckily I had my Mom and Paul around, and they are a BIG help. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know we did. We spent it with Evan's Grammy, Great Uncle Bobby, and First Cousins once-removed Kirsten and Brandon. Grammy made an awesome spread, and they we had round-two at Grandpa Hinson's house. MMMM!!! We are headed to Grandma and Grandpa Starstrom home tomorrow. I hope to post soon after I take some pictures of my little guy. He has learned and changed so much in the last week, it's ridiculous!!!

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