Monday, December 12, 2011

D-roo Update

Oh geez... I feel like it's been ages since I have updated you all on my little guys.  I have been slacking!  Drew has changed so much over the last few months.  He has been talking up a storm.  He can say pretty much any word, he repeats EVERYTHING!  He is still working on speaking in sentences, but I have a feeling that will be just around the corner.  He knows most of his colors and even a few numbers.  He also takes after his big brother in his love for everything Star Wars. He can identify Chewbacca, Darth Vader, Yoda, R2D2, C3PO, Boba Fett and the like.  Of course he is still obsessed with anything Mickey Mouse.  OBSESSED is actually an understatement.  He is really enjoying school and his best buddy is his friend Kevin.  He is a cuddler, especially at bedtime.  His favorite past time is having someone read him a book.  He still loves fruits, veggies, yogurt, and is in a good eating phase over the last week or so (this changes though by the day, usually so I ain't holding my breath). But his biggest vice is chips and french fries!!!  He sleeps like a champ, he likes to sleep until 8-830...oh if only Evan would imitate THIS!!!  His smile is my favorite smile in this entire world. Ok...nuff bragging on my D-roo.  But it's so easy because he is basically perfection all wrapped up in a tiny 24 lb package!!

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