Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Here are some pictures from our Halloween adventure last night!  I kind of was lame when it came to taking pictures, I just took a few at the Halloween party beforehand and none of the actual trick or treating. But in my defense, I was tending to Drew who was terrified of all of the decorations and the strange costumes.  His new favorite word is NO and his favorite phrase is I don't wanna.  So at least 80% of the time when he was trick or treating and the person would open their door, as I would nudge him forward and tell him to say trick or treat, he threw his bag down and would say, No, I don't wanna and run away crying.  NICE. But Evan picked up the slack, and charmed his way into their hearts, often getting double handfuls of candy.  Despite Drew's sassiness, we had a great time with our friends.  Isn't Aimee (Drew's Buddy) an adorable Bumblebee??!!!

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