Thursday, July 21, 2011


One of my philosophies of life is....expect very little and you will never be dissapointed.  Now, that may sound like a pessimistic theory, but I don't see it that way. I am a pretty happy  person, and I never get bummed out because I expect very little most of the time. For example when I take Drew to the doctor. I expect to hear that he is not on the charts for growth and that he has some (minor...but nevertheless, present) type of thing wrong with him and there is a good chance we will have to take him to some far away specialist that our insurance doesn't cover.  So then when I hear he is ON THE GROWTH chart for the for the first time in his life, albeit 0-5th percentile...I am over the top stoked!!!  And when they tell me he has infantile dyskinesthia and recurrent anal stenosis, I am pretty excited about that too because treatment is just Mirilax. They are also worried about hypothyroidism because he still has a soft spot and barely has any teeth...and I'm still not bummed because I always expect them to tell me something.  And I think about all the little babies with serious health problems and I feel thankful my little Drew is healthy.... just a little "backed up" and toothless. 

1 comment:

Meema said...

Missing those boys and their Mommy and Daddy and your stories just make me miss them more.

I love your DVD for your friend Jen, really sweet and the pictures were a walk back in time. Someday I want to see the whole thing.