Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tornados Tornados Go Away

Drew has grown tired of this nasty weather.  I hear ya kid, I am tired of it too.  But April showers bring May flowers, right?  So hang in there.  It will soon pass.  That is, if I survive another game of hungry hungry hippo, the jury is still out on that one.  Cabin fever and I meet again.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Interesting Bath Toys and Embarrasing Photos

Don't judge me on my bath toys.  My kids continue to play with random things.  They have toys up to their eyeballs, but they will play with the spices in my spice cabinet over any of them!  So the bath is no exception.  All you Mama's that have had natural births, know what that little bottle is for.  Bleh.  I hurt just thinking about it.  It's an unused one though people, so don't judge!  And that picture of them hugging naked, I feel like I could probably use that for bribery in their teenage years, what do you think? 

Pajama Playdate

Yesterday we went to a PJ playdate at our friend's home.  Playdates are essentially pretty selfish.  Of course the kids love to socialize, but let's face it... Playdates are mostly for Mamas.  But this one was most certainly less selfish.  The kiddos dressed in their PJs and we all brought a pair of PJs and/or a bedtime story book to donate to a charity who provides these to children in need.  We are all so fortunate, and it feels good to give back and to teach our children to do the same.

Check out this link if you are interested in donating too!

Happy Half Birthday, Drew

Thanks for tuning in to another posting of "The Many Faces of Drew."  He is a very expressive little  boy.  And he is 18 months old today.  He continues to run, play like it's his job, say new words every day, sprout lots of new teeth, and eat like it's going out of style.  He has been bottle-free now for 4 weeks!!!  He's still petite to say the least, but he eats about 3 times the amount Evan does in a typical day, so it's not for lack of trying!!  My absolute favorite time of day with him is first thing in the morning.  He gets SOOO excited when I get him up in the morning and always smiles from ear to ear.  Words can't express how proud I am to be his Mama.   I thought about giving him a cupcake for his half birthday, but he has yet to aquire a taste for sweets.  His favorite treat is anything salty, tater tots and chips are his treat of choice. 

Trend Setter

Check out these blond locks.  Look for this new tousled look on all the runways next Fall.  Drew is a trendsetter through and through.  It's the messy, "I didn't even try to get this look", look.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Starry Eyed Photography

I know you are wondering where all the pictures I take of my friend's kids have been over the last few months.  Ok, so you aren't.  But that was my segway into saying this:  I started my own, semi-professional photography business.  I haven't really told many people about this yet, so if you are suprised, you should be!  One thing I am definitely lacking is the confidence.  But I am finally doing it!!!  Please see my semi-professional website link below:

Starry-Eyed Photography

If you are wondering why I am doing this, or what it's all about, click on the tabs on the photography blog to read my story.  I am not trying to make a living doing this, just merely doing what I love and supporting my expensive hobby.  I hope to have a real website up and running in a few months, but until then, this is where you can find all things Starry Eyed.

By the way, I have to thank my girlfriend Emily for creating my logo for me.  I LOVE IT!!!  I chose the name Starry Eyed for many reasons.  Star from Starstrom, obviously.  Eyes for the most important part of a portrait.  And the two little blue eggs on the logo....well, one for each of my sons with the big blue eyes! Clever, No?  Thanks again Emily!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Oh Boy

Check out these pictures Meema took of my little soon-to-be 18 month old, D-Roo.  Oh boy, am I in trouble.  I have a feeling this little boy is gonna have me wrapped around his little finger, if he doesn't already.  One flash of those big blue eyes and it's gonna be all over. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sanford Zoo

Today we met my girlfriend and her son at the Sanford Zoo.  I took both boys, even though Drew isn't pictured, he was there, promise!  I actually didn't take a single picture, I am such an all or nothing gal. I either take 500 pictures or none.  I was just happy I handled both boys there without a single meltdown!  So here are a couple pictures my friend took of our adorable boys!  The Zoo is a little bit pathetic without a signle Elephant or Giraffe, but the perfect half way point between here and the East Coast of Florida, where my friend lives.  And if it has a train and a carousel, well that's all we really need with little boys!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

That's All I Got.

AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!  Yikes!!  How did my blog go from They put the Stars in Starstrom with lovely tales of my sweet boys and their adventures to a sad old lady morning her beloved dog who passed away from cancer.  Please tell me that!? L.A.M.E.!!!! I sit down to blog today and I find two old measly pictures on my memory stick.  I went from taking about 400 pictures a week (cough, cough, yup, that's my average) to TWO!!!  Snap out of it lady, life will go on!  Oh wait, that's what Paul told me to do on Sunday, minus the lady part.  The boy actually told me to snap out of it?!  Can you believe the nerve?  Can't a girl get a measly week to mourn the loss of her dog that she cared for for over 7 years?!  I am trying to get used to this new dynamic. I used to have 4 "things" depending on me for life, now I have 3.  Give me a week or two will ya?!

Well, I think I have finally snapped out of it. I have realized something during this process. As parents, we are constantly sacrificing for our children, be it time, money, sleep. It goes without saying, the reward is worth it. Obviously, one little hug from my boys and I remember why I haven't slept past 6am in 3.5 years. But I realized this week that we also sacrifice emotions. I can't afford to be sad. On Sunday, Evan and I were hidden away in my closet waiting for Daddy and Drew to come find us in our 100th game of Hide and Go Seek of the day. I was laughing and tickling him, and he looked at me and said "why are you laughing Mom? don't you remember, Farley is in Heaven." And then it dawned on me, I had been so bummed over the last 10 days, and he is after all, only 3 years old. And kids are always living in the moment, what's to say he didn't think I would forver be sad?! Something in me "snapped" and I remembered how lucky we really are. So for the past few days when I think our beloved "sissy" I think of happy thoughts instead of all that bad ones that plagued that last week of her life. My clueless tactless sweet husband couldn't snap me out of my depression, but Evan surely did. And I am thankful for that. SOOOOO, just one two more Farley pictures, PLEASEEE to make up for my lack of Starstrom boy pictures and then I promise, only sweet dog posts, NO more sad ones. PROMISE!!!!!!!


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Big D

Here are a few pics of Big D, AKA Drew Edward.  Brother to Big Easy, AKA Evan Paul.  New nicknames coined by Papa.  Funny, Drew is anything but big, and Evan (although I love him dearly) not the easiest 3 year old on the block...

New Lens

Because of everything that has been going on lately, I feel like I lost my MoJo.  My Mojo for taking pictures that is.  I got a new lens last week, my DREAM lens, and I have barely taken it out of the case.  Until today that is.  My first telophoto lens!!!  I took these pictures from almost half way across a feild today.  Not half bad for my first try?!  I am going to cherish this one of Paul and Evan, for years to come, I have a feeling.

Lazzzzzy Saturdays

  Sometimes the best Saturday mornings are ones spent in PJs on the couch with large hot cups of coffee.  For Paul and I that is, these boys got tons of energy, no coffee needed.