Sunday, January 23, 2011

Finger Paint is my Arch Nemesis. There I Said it.

Buying a bunch of finger paint always seems like an awesome idea while strolling down the art supply aisle of Target.  Then when your 3 year old asks to paint with it, while your 1 year old newly walking toddler waddles by grabbing anything within start to question your own sanity for purchasing, said finger paint.  At least Evan's still at the age where if it's out of sight, it's out of mind.  So, finger paint is hidden and Mom stays sane... well, as sane as I was to begin with.  I don't feel too bad limiting the fundamentally awesome, childhood pastime we call finger paint (but should be called something more like...Fast Track to Destroying Ones Home and Clothes Paint), because Evan finger paints in school at least twice a week.  Thank goodness for preschool. 

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