Monday, November 1, 2010

A Boy's Best Friend

Corky and Evan are best buds.  Evan likes having the knowledge that a wet dog nose means they are healthy and a dry nose means they are sleeping or sick.  So he gives me nose moisture updates on Corky throughout the day.  Thank goodness for that, what would I do without that knowledge!  When we went to NY, Corky and Farley stayed with Meema for two weeks, and let me tell you, we missed them like crazy!  I thought initially it would be a nice break.  No walks, no feeding them, no making their dog food, no sharing the bed with them, no sweeping up hair after them every day!  But after about three days, I was in major sissy withdrawal.  They are so worth all the extra work, especially when I see Evan and Corky snuggling on the couch. 

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