You mean besides playing with my munchkins, not sleeping, taking Drew to his many doctor appointments and his oral motor specialist, pumping, teaching Evan his ABCs, working, cleaning and cooking....wait, where was I going with this? Is this just an oppurtunity to get some credit for all the stuff every other stay at home Mom does on a daily basis? Hmmm, Maybe. Ok, back to the subject at hand. What have I been up to lately? Taking pictures of my friends babies of course! I love to get the practice and my friends like the pictures. At least I hope so? Who wouldn't like pictures of babies that are this adorable. See for yourself!!
Baby Brock at 12 days old. Sweetest little man with the most calm temperment. He is going to be a Ladies Man, I can already tell.

Baby Thomas's 5 month/ First Easter portraits. Could he be any cuter? I want to take a bite out of those cheeks!

Newborn pictures of Baby Claire. These pictures don't do her justice. She is stunningly beautiful. Perhaps I was a bit distracted during her photoshoot, with Drew screaming and 2 or 3 toddlers running around? Regardless, she is adorable.
And then there is Caroline's 1 year old portraits. Just look at her big blue eyes. She is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the out. You can't take a bad picture of her.
1 comment:
sooo cute!!
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