Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How are we all really doing?

I am not a Keeping up with the Jones' kinda gal. And I certainly don't try and paint a picture like we have the perfect life over here in the Starstrom household. I will be the first to tell you that Paul and I bicker. That lately my house is only super clean when I am expecting company. That sometimes I give Evan McDonald's just so I don't have to fight with him at dinner. I only shower every other day... and that's if I am lucky. So I thought it would be fitting to tell you what we really have been up to lately, instead of just the usual cute pictures followed by some cute little quote of Evan's. No where near as fun without the pictures.... but I will post some of those later, I promise!

He's always good. You give him his Netflix, some cuddle time with Evan and Corky every night, a weekly trip to Costco and he is as happy as a clam.

He is really learning so much lately. He is a little sponge. Two months ago, he would tell you everything is green and we would count by saying 2, 3... 2, 3. But now that boy can tell you the entire alphabet and what sound each letter makes, every color, any shape you can think of, and he can count to 10 and sometimes 20 on a good day. He was barely putting two words together six months ago, and now he won't stop talking!!! As far as potty training goes, he thinks that's for the birds. He is just plain not interested so we aren't pushing the topic. He still hates to eat. If he could eat McDonald's, Papa Johns, Chick fil-a and Chipotle for every meal of the day... he would be one happy little man. He is drinking his milk however, so I am glad that battle is history. He still sleeps like a champ, so what more can a Mom ask for?

I will tell you what more a Mom can ask for, and that's a 7 month old who will sleep through the freaking night already! There I said it, I haven't slept in 7 months and Mama is tired! OK, no really I can't complain. Three months ago I about lost my mind. Drew cried the majority of his waking hours the first 5 1/2 months of his life. If he wasn't eating or sleeping, chances are he was crying. But for the last few weeks, he seems to be much happier. However, this little boy also doesn't like to eat! Or I shouldn't say doesn't like to eat, he has trouble eating. He has a weak suck reflex so he has to take breaks every ounce or so. He gets so frustrated because he wants more, but he is so tired. So the poor guy still has lots of meltdowns around feeding time, but otherwise, he is a pretty happy camper. Oh wait, forgot to mention he still doesn't like the car very much, so to and from Jacksonville he will usually cry about 70% of the time. But I can handle that after what we have been through with him. The other day, he actually fell asleep when he was tired in the swing. He NEVER does that. Up until now, if he was tired and wasn't in his bed, he would scream bloody murder until he was put to bed. But now ( I am jinxing myself by saying this) he falls asleep wherever he may be when he's tired. And I am ever so grateful. Unfortunately, he still thinks rolling over is pretty cool and likes to practice it all night long, so I have to go roll him over in bed at least 3 times a night, sometimes 6 because he wedges himself up against the side of the crib. That said, he is a joy to be around, lately. And I actually look forward to going to get him up in the morning. I couldn't always say that when I knew he would pretty much be crying all day long, as terrible as that sounds.

I am doing much better now that Drew is improving. I am looking forward to my first night away from Evan and Drew this weekend. We are getting a suite at the Ritz as well as a couples massage! Pop-pop and Nana are coming to watch the boys. This will be my first night away from Evan other then when I was in the hospital, and of course my first night away from Drew other then when he was in the hospital! I am looking forward to a night without baby monitors and baby flipping and baby feeding. Wish I could leave my pump at home too. But on that note, I have 200 bags of milk saved up for Drew, just need about 60 more and then I can quit pumping and he should have enough milk to last him until he is 1 year old! Amen for that. No really, despite all the ranting and raving, I really couldn't be happier (I could be saner, and less anxious at times, but not happier). I have three amazing boys that I get to share my life with and other then a little more sleep, I couldn't ask for more.

1 comment:

RileysMommy said...

Awww, Abby, you are doing such a wonderful job. Anyone that wants to feel like a great parent should come with me to work someday :). Evan is doing things that I have to work with my students on constantly!!