Monday, January 11, 2010

Yibbits, Talking and Updates Galore

Evan is now talking up a storm, in fact, he never really stops talking these days. He loves to talk about his pet Yibbit, a frog he affectionately calls Timmy who we tried to save from the cold, but it was too late. Fortunately Evan doesn't know that, and still visits his stiff little body out in the garage about 6 times a day. He brings his plastic Yibbit and Lizard to visit it. Too cute. I don't have the heart to tell him his Yibbit has passed on. I have started to lay the groundwork for that though, by saying he is sick. Even though he has never seen that poor frog hop around, Evan knows inherently, that's what it does and he hops around the house talking about Timmy non-stop. He also asks me to do lots of stuff, it's so cute. Watch Mommy, Mommy dance, Mommy sit, Come Mommy, Mommy eat it, Mommy do it, Look Mommy, Watch Mommy. Just to name a few. He also started repeating what I used to say at dinner all the time. I would say, eat it, so you can be big like Daddy one day. Now he says, "Up like Daddy" and put his hands up in the air with each bite. I am absolutely loving the stage Evan is in. I want to freeze him in time.
Hopefully more Drew pictures to come soon. He is a bit harder to photograph these days, because he doesnt' want to be out of my arms for one second!!!

1 comment:

Meema said...

That's funny, poor little boy and his dead frog. Two was always my favorite age, I don't see much that is "terrible" about it. They are such neat little people and it's so much fun to watch them experience life. Enjoy.

Actually, three is pretty fun, and four, and five, actually it's all fun, scary and fun.