Saturday, January 9, 2010

BS. Bitter Sweet That Is.

Bitter: Potty training a little boy (which entails trips to the bathroom every 30 min.) while nursing a growing 4 month old (every two hours around the clock) = very little personal time!
Sweet: Hopefully I won't have two little boys in diapers very soon!!!

Bitter: Evan's all backed up for the first time in his life!
Sweet: It's because he no longer drinks juice, or atleast very little juice and is drinking milk like crazy.
Bitter: For Evan atleast, Mom has a camera and insists on documenting everything!!
Sweet: How cute is a picture of Evan on his frog potty in front of his new favorite TV show, Go Diego Go!!! You gotta love it.


Meema said...

He looks so adorable, but he won't thank you when he is 18 and falling in and out of love. Dare I mention that I remember potty training with his mama? Probably not, but she was such a cutie and a very fast learner.

listerbears said...

How did you get him to drink milk

paedstar said...

i just offered it about 1500 times and he finally caved. now he loves it!!