I didn't plug in a Bath and Body Works Christmas scented plug in behind my Christmas tree in order to trick house guests into thinking I have a real tree!! Not Me!
I don't 100% of the time have a Dora the Explorer song stuck in my head. Neither does Evan, because I don't hear him over the monitor in the middle of the night singing, Dora Dora Dora the Explorer!
Evan wasn't terrified of Santa so much to the point he was crying and wouldnt' sit on his lap. We didn't finally ask Santa's helper to do the Shamu chant, which was immediately succesful in drawing out a smile from Evan. (To all those non-Orlandonians (I think I just made that word up) the Shamu chant involves hand motions and saying, duh duh duh duh, Shamu Shamu, in order to get Shamu to come out and do tricks at the Shamu stadium in Sea World). Evan is some what obsessed with Shamu. And apparently the chant doesn't just get Shamu to come out and play, but it gets us a good picture with Santa.
We aren't in the beginning stages of potty training, and Evan didn't tell us he needed to poop when we threw him on the potty as fast as we could. In all of the commotion, a small peice didn't fall to the floor and before we could pick it up, poop-lovin Corky didn't eat it up!!!
We don't have to be careful now when we go to public restrooms with Evan, because he doens't say "peeyoo, stinky poopy" regardless of what the circumstance is!
I didn't make homemade spanks the other day with a pair of scissors and some control-top panty hose, because I couldn't find my real ones. Because I have clearly lost all my baby weight already!
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