Friday, October 2, 2009

Drew's New Crib

Yesterday Drew was upgraded from an isolette to an actual crib! Which means I can put him in his own clothes and use his own blankets now! Just one more step to bringing him home. He is regulating his own temperature now, his jaundice is still there...but improving, he is still on room air, and his infection has cleared. As I am writing this, his Doctor just called me. She said he is having a few apneic periods with his breathing, but this is typical for a preemie. He is also "slow" to "nipple" feed. Which means he is having a difficult time taking a bottle. The Doctor said that boys are usually slower at this than girls, and to be patient. We can't push him to take the bottle, because that will wear him out and he may give up trying all together. I asked the Doctor if she thought he was still on track to go home in ten days, and she said, it all depends on Drew. Boo!!! I hate when Doctors are so vague!!! I mean, I understand that it depends on how well he is feeding, but I was hoping for estimate based on how he is doing. Oh well. I gotta hold on to the fact that he is stable and improving every day.

So far the nurses at the hospital have been amazing. When I was on bed rest there, they were great, and they continue to be great when taking care of Drew. Except for one episode yesterday, I have very little to complain about. But, his nurse yesterday gave the poor boy formula. I have an entire fridge full of breast milk that I have been diligently pumping every two hours, and she doesn't even check the fridge and gives him formula! I have nothing against formula, but I have been working my butt off trying to build up my supply. Apparently Drew was not too thrilled about it either, because he immediately threw it up! Serves the nurse right! If you add up all the time I have pumped over the last week, it's a day and a half. Every two to three hours all day and all night. Can you tell I am a bit sleep deprived and a tad bitter?!?

Ok, well now I am off to take care of my other little boy who won't eat, who shall remain nameless.


Mrs.ABC said...

Woo Hoo! Grow baby Drew grow!

Kristin Mease said...

Wow, he really does look like Evan. :)

RileysMommy said...

He really looks so much like Evan!
And I understand your frustration with the formula. After all of that work, and how much breastmilk will help him, I think I'd go postal on that nurse!