This is a very popular newborn composition, and perhaps is a bit cliche. But it's still cute nonetheless. And despite it's popularity, it's a very difficult picture to get. It's hard to get everything in focus, to get the rings to face the right way, and to keep the wiggly baby's feet still! I now know this first hand!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
This is a very popular newborn composition, and perhaps is a bit cliche. But it's still cute nonetheless. And despite it's popularity, it's a very difficult picture to get. It's hard to get everything in focus, to get the rings to face the right way, and to keep the wiggly baby's feet still! I now know this first hand!
Evan's Photoshoot
Meema and I have been trying to get a good shot of Drew for my birth announcements. That is still very much a work in progress. But we didn't want Evan to feel left out, so I took lots of picture of him yesterday outside. I had big ideas about what a great family project it would be to carve the pumpkin. But Evan wasn't interested in that, and preferred to run around outside and watch the birds. So I took advantage and got lots of cute pics.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Halloween Bash
Evan went to a Halloween party this morning at his buddy, James's house. About 5 minutes into the bash, the Nemo hat came off... and about 30 minutes after that the whole outfit had to come off. So Evan isn't pictured here as much as I would have liked. But his friends are SUPER adorable, so I had fun taking lots of pictures of them. Underneath his Nemo outfit, he wore a black shirt and leggings (boot cut no less) that I got in the girl section of Target. The shirt had little puffy sleeves. So my friends and I decided he looked like a girl mime. Shh, don't tell Daddy, he would not be happy!!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Apple Pickin?
Evan calls pumpkins apples. He is very adamant about this too. Our conversation at the pumpkin patch went something like this:
Me: "OK, let's pick out a pumpkin"
Evan: "Apple"
Me: "No sweety, it's a pumpkin"
Evan: "Apple"
Me: "Apples are smaller and usually red, yellow or green"
Evan: "Apple"
Me: "These are pumpkins buddy"
Evan: "Apple"
Me: "OK, your right, it's an apple, I give up"
It was much easier to photograph Evan last year. He was barely walking, so I would wait until he fell down and I would stick a pumpkin in front of him and click away. This year I asked him to hug a pumpkin. But he mainly laid on top of them and said "awe", which is what he says when he gives hugs.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Drew at One Month
Here are some pictures of Drew at one month old on Sunday. Can't believe he is already one month. He should still be in my belly for another two weeks! But he is adjusting very well to life on the outside.
He doesn't like to be on his belly yet. Which is the best way to photograph a newborn. So I am hoping that is just temporary. I need to get some cute shots for my birth announcement, so let's hope he cooperates soon!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sleeping with One Eye Open
What a joy it is to have Drew home. So who needs sleep anyway? Do you know how stressful it is to have a baby home that just days ago was on oxygen and would stop breathing in his sleep on a regular basis?!! It's not just Drew that sleeps with one eye open these days. I really couldn't be doing this without the help of my family and friends.
I just want to thank everyone that has helped me over the last month or so. Between my mom, my dad and step-mom and my brother, I have rarely had to be alone over the last four weeks. While on bedrest, my Mom took some of the few days off she has the rest of the year to be here with Evan. She has been down to Orlando 8 out of the last 9 weekends (some because of our Yellowstone trip, but mostly to help with Evan). She has really been there when I needed her, and I appreciate that so much. My dad is currently here helping me watch Evan, and this is his 3rd trip here. He and my step-mom have really bonded with Evan lately, and he always looks forward to their visits. And I can't forget Ugbie, who came all the way from Seattle to spend two and a half weeks here with Evan while I went back and forth to the NICU. I actually think this time was good for me. I am a bit of a control freak, and to be forced to let others care for Evan and be responsible for feeding my little picky eater has been good. I used to stress about every little thing, but because I have been so preoccupied and consumed lately, I have actually become a little more laid back in the process!! Anyway, I really couldn't have done it without you guys, it's so nice to be able to count on family!!!
And as for my friends, oh my goodness!!! I couldn't have better ones. My local friends have been bringing me dinner three nights a week now for three weeks and have plans to continue until December!! I think I would probably be 10 lbs lighter if it wasn't for them, but clearly much more stressed. They have been showering me, Evan and Drew with gifts, not to mention they threw me a baby shower and Evan a birthday party. My friends have also been taking Evan on playdates, picking him up from school and babysitting. Oh, and I almost forgot... they contacted my hairdresser and paid for me to get a complete treatment the next time I go (must have seen how long my roots were!!!) And all my non-local friends have been so supportive with emails, calls and texts too!! It makes me sometimes feel like I don't deserve all of this kindness, but also it makes me want to be a better friend and person to my friends and family.
So to all my friends and family, THANK YOU!!! I couldn't have survived the last few weeks without you. Your generosity and thoughtfulness did not go unnoticed.
(who now sleeps with one eye always open)
Finding Nemo Halloween 2009
Here is a sneak peek at Evan's Halloween costume for this year. I spent weeks debating over what to pick, it's the last time I will probably get to choose his costume. My criteria was that it wouldn't be too hot (as it very well could be 90 degrees on Halloween), that it was something he loved (otherwise there was a chance he would refuse to wear it), and that it wasn't too constricting. This met all but the last one, I really didn't want anything on his head. But it was too cute to pass up. Luckily, he loves Nemo so much, he doesn't mind that he has to wear something on his head! I didn't think he could ever look as cute as he did last year in his Dragon costume, but I was wrong. Those big blue eyes and long eye lashes peeking out of that orange hat with the fin just melt my heart every time. Now if they just made preemie Halloween cosutmes, I would be so happy! But so far no luck with that.
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