No, I don't put my camera away, simply because Evan is sick. I have to take advantage of the fact that he is sitting still. No really, yesterday Evan was pitiful. He caught a 24 hour bug, that involved a high fever and let's just leave it at "stomach issues." I have heard mothers talk about their kids when they are sick, and they say they just lay around and cuddle. I never thought that would be Evan. He has had 3 colds before, and they never slowed him down long enough for a cuddle. But yesterday was a different story. He spent 16 hours either on my chest, Grammy's or Daddy's. He was at times too pitiful to even cry. He just laid there with his bottom lip drooping down. Don't think there wasn't some googling on the swine flu done in my house, because there definitely was. But it turned out to be a 24 hour bug, because since 5 am this morning, there has been lots of running around, talking, laughing, and truck playing.... and no more cuddling in this house.
Greg always says he likes when Jonathan gets a little sick because it's the only time he will cuddle with him! Sad, but true. I'm happy he's feeling better.
Poor little man. He does look pitiful.
So sorry he was sick, but I'm glad that he's feeling better!! Hope you enjoyed all that snuggling :). Once our household is healed, let's get together.
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