Monday, August 6, 2012

Sip and See for Baby Chace

I totally meant to get a picture of the adorable cupcakes and more of the Little Man decorations and little chocolate mustaches that we had...but that didn't happen.  I always envision my party to run so smooth, after all, I start planning so far in advance, and start decorating 2 weeks ahead. But without fail, about 20 minutes before the event, something always happens and I end up running around like a chicken with my head cut off and answer the door a hot mess. And this was no exception! Thank goodness for Jen and Kristy who helped me.  Well, actually pretty much did all the cooking! I supplied the wine and food and I put them to work!  Anyway, fun was had by all. And we all oooh and ahhh'd over baby Chace while sipping our sangria!!!  Love these ladies! 

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