Monday, February 6, 2012

Circus Day... Calling all silly, sad clowns and pitiful lions!

this picture creeps me out... not sure why.  but i understand why some people are afraid of clowns.

Last week was Circus day.  Finally my boys were feeling better from the previous week filled with antibiotics, bronchiolitis, fevers and even some vomitting in the meat deparment of Publix.  But even with health on their side, my boys were still a little sad.  Drew doesn't like to dress up.  And Evan used all his silly energy up in the pictures I took before leaving for school (all his posing ideas I might add).  Once we arrived at school, he was a sad little clown.  Anyway, love looking through the pictures and seeing all of the teachers holding my boys hands in attempt to cheer them up. Love that Little Fishes is so small and quaint.  It is quite literally where "everybody knows your name." I think I will miss that the most when we leave one day! 

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