Chilling on the trolley. And no I couldn't resist signing the Zataran's song about 52 times (this was post-several adult beverages). |
Paul is channeling his inner Taylor Swift here. |
I'm just keeping it real on the screets of Nawlins. When in Rome is what I always say. Sitting on a screet corner enjoying a tasty beverage. That's the only way to really be one with the city you are visiting. |
Nice free back pack Paul. Very Sporty. If you turn it around you can see the awesome Kone logo. |
Watching some live Jazz music at an outdoor bar. Very New Orleans-esque if I do say so myself.
Paul and I took our first ever kid-free trip this Memorial Day weekend. Thanks to Meema for watching the boys!!! We went to New Orleans, it was my first time there, and about Paul's 12th! I didn't really know what to expect. But it isn't as sleepy of a southern town as I thought it would be. It's actually a pretty big place, and anything but sleepy. Let's just say we had a blast and I gained about 12 lbs. We ate until we couldn't eat anymore and we couldn't see our toes. From charbroiled and raw oysters, to fried lobster tail and scalibut (hallibut pressed into scallops), we most certainly dined liked royalty. The city had some really beautiful architecture and southern homes. Our hotel was pretty sweet too. But let's just say I won't miss the smell. The smell of urine, stale beer and garbage that penetrates almost every square inch of the french quarter. The city planning there is a bit terrible. There are no back alleys, so every store front has cans and cans of garbage that just bake out in that hot sun. And there are no public restrooms any where unless you buy something at a store, hence the homeless and drunk people peeing everywhere. I also won't miss the constant fear of being thrown up on after 8pm every night. I will however miss being able to drink adult beverages on the street, that was pretty awesome. And I like to be able to run in Walgreens for some deoderant and also pick up a bottle of rum if I want. Pretty much every store there sells liquor. Paul won't miss being propositioned by prostitutes and drug dealers, but that's a whole other story probably not appropriate for my family blog!!!! I'm so rated G, no? It's an amazing place to visit at least once in your life, if you haven't been go! But there is no way I could ever live there. Unless I become a homeless alcoholic, then I'm totally living there. Again, you can't beat being able to drink on the streets. Awesome!!!
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