Friday, February 18, 2011

Spring on the Mind and Resolutions Update

I may have lived in Florida for 2/3rds of my life, but I still despise the hot humid weather that plagues us Floridians about 2/3rds of the year.  I cringe on 80 degree February days like today, simply because I know what that means....90 degree March days right around the corner.  The only good part about Spring are the fun holidays and the bright and colorful clothes that get to come out of the closet and onto my sweet little boys.  I try not to be a big complainer, especially given the fact that so many people have been facing blizzards while we were sporting our flip flops.  But I can't help to dread the coming HOT months.  Why can't I be one of those gals who appreciates what I got when I got it, instead of always bracing myself for the future?  Not sure...maybe next years New Years Resolution in the making?

Speaking of New Years Resolutions....
Evan is now pooping on the potty about 80% of the time.  Whoo hoo!!!  As long as I put him on the potty 3 times a day and tell him to try, he is golden.  The second I get cocky and think he's "got it", he poops in his pull up!  He is doing better and better with his letters now.  I basically only let him watch Word World and no more other TV shows, and his interest in letters is through the roof!!!  And finally, he continues to eat better and better, and whine less and less at meal time.  I have actually started to get him to eat breakfast every day, which is a major break through!!!  He eats a banana and a Vita top Muffin top every morning, along with a cup of milk (chocolate, but baby steps people, baby steps). 

Drew is still refusing the sippy cup.  Drew and Evan are so different in almost every way, BUT stubborness.  They are both as stubborn as can be, and he will flat out refuse any milk that doesn't come in a playtex bottle.  And he's got to be holding his blankey and sitting on my lap in his room before he will take his bottle.  So that battle is still a work in progress.  I am definitely keeping my promise on spending more alone time with Drew.  Our gymboree class and weekly playdates while Evan is in school, are dates we look forward to every week. 

As far as personal goals that I set in January, FAIL!!!  I have yet to "get active", or cut my diet coke intake.  I started drinking coffee to help me wean off the diet coke, but now I just drink a diet Dr. Pepper while I wait for my coffee to brew.  Nice.  And I also got myself hooked on Glee, so instead of spending quiet time with my spouse every night when the kids are asleep, Paul and I are glued to our Netflix trying to catch up on 2 seasons of Glee that we me\issed.  And I also now have a major crush on Finn and Mr. Shuster from said teeny bopper show, Glee.  Nice.  But no, seriously, I love them.  It's Ok, Paul is in love with Santana, so he's fine with it.

So as you can see, we are all a work in progress.  

1 comment:

EmBee said...

Oh we are ALL complete and total 'Gleeks' in our house.