Monday, December 27, 2010

Feather Weight Champion

Drew had his 15 month well visit today and here are the stats:

Weight: 20 lbs 1 oz (negative 5th percentile)
Height: 29.5 " (20th percentile)
Head: 19.5 "(100th percentile)

Seems like he is still a tiny little guy, and he is.  But the good news is, he gets to come off breast milk and start drinking whole milk.  Hoooray!!!!  I am lucky enough to still have plenty of frozen breast milk, but man, is that a pain in the butt when there is a little boy who is hungry!!!  It takes about 10 minutes to defrost it, and it doesn't travel well at all.  So being able to switch to whole milk is GREAT NEWS!!!  Plus, maybe it will even fatten him up a bit, it surely has more fat in it than my breastmilk?  Who am I kidding, I have tiny boys.  But I am pretty sure there is an indirect coorelation to sweetness.  The smaller the boy, the bigger the heart? 

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I feel you. Zachary is real small too. At 15 months he was 20 lbs as well. At alomost 18 onths he only weighs 22 pounds. He eats like crazy and I suspect will weigh more soon because the alst 4 days the child has eaten like crazy. Breakfast, 3 eggs, 2 yogurts, 2 bananas and a cheese stick. Crazy, so I suspect he is putting on some weight. it will be no time before Drew is eating it up too.!