Saturday, November 13, 2010

Drew is Mobile, People

Having two kids 24 months apart is hard, no doubt about it.  No matter how sweet they are.  I have been saying for months to all my Mommy friends with newborns and toddlers, that 8 months is the magic number.  Things just get easier.  Sleep is more predictable.  They don't eat every 2 hours.  They can sit up and play for extended periods of time.  And for Drew in particular, he was just happier. Well, at 8 months, it may get easier (at least for me, that is), but let me tell you, it gets hard again when they are truly mobile.  Crawling doesn't count.  Crawling at least you can kind of barricade them in an area.  Drew is almost walking and he takes his little walker around the house and can get just about any where he wants. He climbs on everything and anything.  He is unstoppable.  He is still super clumsy, which makes it even harder.  I pretty much don't sit down any more.  And now to top it off, he doesn't want to waste time napping, he wants to practice his skills.  Today he spent an hour at nap time trying to destroy his nursery.  I have everything like 24 inches away from his crib.  Somehow though, he manages to reach everything.  Today I had to go in there twice because he reached his lamp, picked it up and threw it, breaking the light bulb.  Then he grabbed a silver picture frame and took it in bed with him. He pulled his mobile down and reached the video monitor and turned it the opposite way so I couldn't see him.  Please believe me when I say, everything was like two feet away from him, the boy has Go go Gadget arms. His room is super small, so not many other areas I can put this stuff!!!   I don't get it. To say I have my hands full is an understatement!!  So I take it back, it gets easier at 8 months, but then.... it gets harder than ever.  Add in sibling rivalry, and it's enough to drive me to drink!!!

1 comment:

Meema said...

That boy is in motion. No stopping him now.