Sunday, August 15, 2010

You got a little something on your cheek Drew.

Here is a true sneak peek at Drew's pre-birthday photoshoot.  I know a lot of the time, I post like 25 pictures and call it a sneak peek.  I am crazy like that.  They are just too darn cute not to share, No?

I already took Drew's 1 year pictures, an entire month and a few days early.  Why you ask?  Because, I already told you... I am crazy like that.  And I want to have time to edit and blow up the pictures to display at his birthday party.  To display the whole month of September, really.  I actually do change out my pictures monthly in my house, depending on the holiday and what not.  Told you I am crazy, as if you didn't know that already!!!  And I did it early, cause Drew needs to gain a few LBS.  He's freaking skinny.  And who said a little sugar, butter, flour and eggs are unhealthy for an almost 11 month.  NOT ME!!!  So anyway, I wanted to do a cake smashing photoshoot, so a cake smashing photoshoot we shall have.  Oh yeah, and you know me.  I like to practice the cake baking ahead of time too.  Killed a lot of birds with one cake.... er.... something like that.  Why am I explaining myself to you anyway?  I am weird. Period.  So there.  Enjoy these cute pictures.  Thank you and goodbye.

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