On the 4th of July, I got crazy and let the boys stay up late. I have been ridiculed in the past about my strictness for bedtime. But I don't care what people think (at least about that!). My boys sleep better than just about any babies or kids that I know. I did sleep training with both of them at age 8-9 months, and I really am strict about their naps and about bed time. It means I can't run very many errands or do much at all during the day because of Drew's naps, and it means us missing out on a lot of night time activities. But whatever, that's the sacrifice I make to have my boys get into good sleeping habits. But I threw caution to the wind on Sunday so we could attend two 4th of July parties at our friend's houses. At the second party I even put Drew in a pack n' play and let him go to sleep in a back room, another thing I don't think I have ever done, just so we could stay and play longer. We definitely paid the price the next day, as Evan was as cranky as ever. But I think it was worth it. We enjoyed the fireworks immensely. And at the first party, the kids enjoyed playing in a ball pit that was floating in the pool! Sounds crazy dangerous, but it really wasn't.
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