Thursday, July 1, 2010

Disclosures from a Stay at Home Mama

I used to participate in Not Me Monday over at My Charming Kids Blog. But since I find the host of that blog particularly annoying and I don't read her blog anymore, I think I will find a new way of disclosing some of my many mishaps of Motherhood. This week, my mothering skills are pretty much perfect (yeah, I said it....). That or else my kids are just particularly sweet and life is kinda ho hum over the last few days. I am thinking it's the latter.

My first of many disclosures (I plan on making this a weekly thing): I decided I was going to try and eat healthier. So I went and got some healthy snacks to keep in my lab coat pocket when I was working over the weekend. One of my snacks was a trail mix with peanuts, almonds, dried mango and dried oranges. Then I realized that I don't really like trail mix. I came to the conclusion that I thought I liked trail mix because I am remembering the kind I ate as a kid with lots of MnMs. So I just stole some of Evan's MnM's (used for bribery mainly...darn, there goes my perfect mothering skills facade) and I poured those in, and it was a pretty good trail mix after that. So much for being healthy!

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