Ok, I apologize in advance for my ranting and raving. It's been another one of those weeks. Most of the time I can handle just about anything that Evan throws my way. I have thick skin, if you will. A figurative suit of armor. This week however, I just feel defeated. I must spend hours a day just thinking about ways to get Evan to eat. Why am I so darn obsessed with this you ask? Because I have been dealing it with it for almost two years, in which time he has probably only gained a pound or two and has stayed consistently in the 10th percentile or less for weight. The logical side of my brain says that he looks healthy, it's a phase, he will grow out of it, he will be just fine. But the other half of my brain says, I don't want to deal with this 3 times a day for another second! Not only will he not eat what I put in front of him, he will often times go a day or two without eating more then a bite or two. He hasn't had a fruit or a vegetable in about 2 months. He has a temper tantrum at the sheer mention of food. This kid is about as sweet and charming as they come, and aside from eating and freaking out at swim lessons, he is just about perfect. I need to thank my lucky stars he is healthy. But at the same time....AH!!! I am losing my mind!!! This week I came up (and by came up, I mean I stole the idea from a Mommy friend of mine that is an AMAZING Mom with an amazing little boy who eats about anything) with an idea of doing a chart, where he gets a stamp for each fruit or veggie he eats. When he gets 10 or so stamps, he gets a toy. I didn't think he was grasping the concept, so we actually went out and bought the toy to put up high. I explained if he earned the stamps, we would open the toy. Still not grasping it, or atleast not eating anything... so I added Drew to the chart who always eats his food. Drew got two stamps yesterday. When Paul walked in the door from work yesterday, Evan ran to the door and said "Yay for Drew, he ate all his food and now he gets a toy!". He is so not competetive. Any advice is welcome and completely solicited.
You don't know me, but I stumbled on you blog from another one. Hope you don't mind this advice from a stranger, your boys are too cute btw.
Anyhoo, my 9 year old (almost 10) was born @ 29 weeks, so I know what it's to be a mom of a preemie.
When he was around 2 years old, we noticed that he wasn't a very good eater either. We took him to a pedi GI & he got all sorts of blood work done. Turns out he was perfectly healthy, but his pedi nutrition told us to have him drink Pedisure. That helped him get all of the nutrition in him that he wasn't getting from the foods that he wasn't eating.
My son hasn't been higher on the weight chart (ever)! I don't think he will ever be more then 10% .
I think that as long as he is happy & active, you shouldn't worry too much about him not eating much.
I love the pictures that you post & I think that you have a beautiful family. You are doing a great job!
Hope you don't mind this message.
Leigh S. (ohs89alumni@yahoo.com)
oh no... well, you know I don't have any advice. :(
I am loving so many of your pictures lately, Abby! That last one of Evan is so great! I'm so sorry to hear that Evan is still not eating well. I have the same struggle with Cale, and he is so small for his age, too. I know how frustrating it is, and I REALLY wish I had some great advice for you. You are a great Mommy, and I hope it gets easier soon!
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