Last week, I watched Evan in his play room. He looked bummed out. We play so much at his older friends houses and they have such big boy toys. He has a few "big boy" train sets and a "big boy" firehouse and kitchen set, and few other big boy toys, but wow what a difference 6 or 9 months makes since his birthday and Christmas last year. With Evan, he doesn't outgrow clothes or shoes (sadly)... but it seems as though he has outgrown some of his toys. Back at Christmas, he really wasn't truly playing with his toys. He would hold them for a minute or two and lose interest and go on to something else. Now he pretends, and he makes the little guys talk to each other. He has entire scenarios going on with his toys, and he can play with one toy for an hour or so at a time. As I was saying, he looked around his room and literally looked disinterested in his toys. We even had a play date a few weeks ago, and one of the "big" girls asked me where were all the big kid toys? I felt so bad!!! So we got him a big boy toy this weekend. I know what you are thinking. Aren't you sending the wrong message since he didn't eat his fruits and veggies last week, and didn't earn a single stamp on his eating chart? Well, I have decided that he is too young for that. Plus, we still have that particular (and highly coveted toy) up high for him to strive for. No toy can take the place of it (buzz light year laser arm band-type things). But we did get him a really cool Imaginext Fisher Price Spaceship and a matching Space Station. For those of you that remember the 80's, it's like the modern day Adventure People. It is totally right up his alley. He is in HEAVEN!!! He plays with his little astronauts and aliens from sun up to sun down. Best purchase in a LONG time.
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