I say "one of" the best Mother's Day presents ever, because I have two little bundles of joy that are equally the best presents a mother could ever wish for!! Here is Drew being a super good sport as I torture him with buckets and such to get a cute picture.
Also, I need to thank my brother Kevin, for giving me a quick and dirty (because that's about all my brain could handle, as it's recently turned to mush) lesson on editing portraits. He is trying to convince me to shoot in raw, which for those of you that don't' know much about photography, it's a more pure and complex way to save an image, as opposed to the condensed version, JPeg. You can edit it more thoroughly, but it takes up more memory on your computer and can be more difficult to process. Or so I thought, it's actually not that difficult, and you can do so much more with it then a regular picture. So it's official, Kevin, I think you have concvinced me. It only took a year or so!!! Unfortunately, Drew and Evan don't allow me much time to edit, so I only edited one picture here with my newly learned techniques. The other pictures I used my trusty action sets that take about 5 seconds. Kevin, can you tell which one I edited with your instructions???
Ha... I like them all. I love his eyes in the top couple. One question... was there something bright green in the room? I see something green reflecting in the bucket and it's leaving a green tinge on one side of his face. My guess for the raw processing... second from the bottom. I like them all though and had to look a couple times.
you are GOOOD!!! i don't know aboutn the green. i had that blue bucket right behind me that i used in evan's pictures. maybe that was it?
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