On Sunday we went to another birthday party at My Gym, for Evan's friend Grace who turned 2!! It was a princess theme, but oddly enough, Grace was the only little girl there! She was surrounded by about 15 little boys!! She is a cutie though, I wish I would have gotten more pictures of her, but she didn't sit still long enough. Neither did Evan. On Saturday for Bowen's BDay party, Evan was very shy and didn't want to do many of the activities without Daddy or me by his side. But on Sunday, he was a regular ham. During circle time, we went around the circle and said our name (something that would put him in tears in the past). Instead, after saying his name, he went into the middle of the circle, pretended he was a lion, roared and then pretended he was having a sneezing attack. Then he promptly went back to his seat and sat and watched the other children introduce themselves. He actually wanted to be the center of attention, I was so surprised!!! It was a little random, but cool nonetheless.
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