Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I miss.....

Sleeping in past 6:30 am
Shopping for myself at the mall, alone
Eating in nice restaurants
Traveling....Traveling light
Being spontaneous
Sleeping for more than 3 hours in a row
Sleeping without a baby monitor or two, inches from my head
Watching what I want on TV instead of Dora, Diego and Super Why
Walking in the family room and not tripping over a dozen or so toys
Reading a whole book in a weekend that doesn't include "How to get your child to..." in the title.

Oh....But it is SOOOOO worth every second of it for just one of these looks from my little boy. Not only is it worth it, I think I will miss it when I don't have all of the responsibilities that sometimes can feel inconvenient. I love my boys, even when life is tough... I gotta remember how lucky I am.

1 comment:

EmBee said...

Believe it or not... It only gets BETTER!!!

I say this as I sit here with my almost 20 yr. old son discussing the beauty of a snowfall.

REALLY, it only gets BETTER!