I know you are sick of hearing about it. Yes, we get it, they look alike. But really, even their mannerisms are alike. It's uncanny!! Evan had
torticollis, an injury he had from being in my belly a certain way. So his head was always tilted to the side until he underwent physical therapy. Drew doesn't have this, but when he sleeps he always tilts his head to the same side as Evan did. They also both sneeze 2-3 times when they first see sunlight. It's insane how much they are alike. I was kind of hoping for an easy going infant, as Evan was NOT. But no such luck. They both like to be held CONSTANTLY and will let you know if they aren't happy. But I couldn't love Evan and his personality any more (now that is, maybe not so much as a newborn) so the fact that I may have two little boys like Evan is really exciting!!
So one picture is Drew and one is Evan. Which one is which?
Top is Evan, bottom is Drew! Am I right?
I know Evan is the top one and Drew is the second. Knew this before I even read anything!
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