Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Brotherly Love

Evan has really embraced being a big brother. Don't get me wrong, he is cranky as he has ever been and the adjustment has been difficult for him. But he loves Drew so much. He loves giving him hugs and kisses, and helps me change his diaper and give him a bath. Today, I left him inside when I ran outside with Evan for just a minute, and Evan freaked out. He kept saying "baby, baby, baby". It was as if he was afraid I was going to leave Drew behind. What a good big brother he is. Here he is when he asked to give Drew a hug. Evan calls hugs "awe" because that's what he says when he gives hugs. So about a dozen times a day when I am holding Drew, Evan comes up and says "awe", meaning he wants to give the baby a hug.

1 comment:

kevin said...

That's awesome! Double chins and a good big brother... what more could little Drew want?