Sunday, October 4, 2009

Drew...9 Days Old

Today Drew is nine days old. He has come so far in nine days. He is totally of oxygen now. He is has no IV. He is taking three partial bottles a day. This is such an improvement from last week at this time. He is still getting tube feedings, and his weight is fluctuating around 4 lbs 3 oz. But he is still progressing every day. Right now his main issue, other than eating.. is having periods of apnea. He has had apneic episodes almost once a day, but the nurse says that should improve once he hits 5 lbs. So I am praying he starts gaining weight, FAST!! The key is letting him rest and not stressing him. Because just taking a bottle is stressful enough for him to lose weight. So it's a fine balance that we are trying to find.

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