Evan started his Parent's Morning Out Program today. He is in class with seven one (soon to be two) year olds, and two teachers. It's Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:15 to 12:15. Let me preface this by saying I have never let anyone watch him except for his grandparents and close friends. So anyway, I dropped him off and he ran towards the toy section and grabbed some trucks. I talked to the teacher for a few minutes and then went over to kiss him goodbye. I think that's when he realized I was actually leaving him. His bottom lip started to sag and he seemed like he was going to cry. We hugged as tightly as I ever think we have before, then I started to cry. I didn't want him to see me like that, so I basically pushed him away and ran out of the room without a second glance. I proceeded to cry on and off for the next hour or so as I wandered aimlessly through store after store. I kept thinking I was missing something, and I was.... Evan!!! But when I picked him up at lunch time, he didn't even come running towards me. He continued to play with the bubble machine. He looked over at me, said "bubbles", and then just kept playing. I had to go pick him up and drag him away from the place!!! So apparently the whole day was much harder on me, than on him. Thank goodness for that.
Such a big boy! So glad that the first day was good for him. Sorry for your tears, it's hard to leave them!! Each day it will get easier :)
So... what exactly does Evan need to take to school in such a big backpack? Is it his 6' tall cardboard cutout of me, so he doesn't forget me? Sweet! That is a good idea!
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