Unfortunately, Evan's birthday didn't go as expected. At 32 weeks and 6 days, my water broke, so I am now in the hospital on bed rest. They want to keep me pregnant until 34 weeks if possible so the baby can get a little bigger and stronger. So that means lots of time for blogging and face booking, if I just had some pictures or fun stuff to blog about, now that would be really great!!
The hardest part, other than worrying about my unborn baby of course, is missing Evan. This is the first time I have ever been away from him overnight. He is with Meema, so he is in good hands obviously, which helps. But it is hard to hear about his day and not be a part of it. Today was his birthday party at school. I had all the stuff to make cookies for his classmates. I was even going to let Evan help me with the icing and sprinkles :( . Luckily I have an awesome friend whose son is in Evan's class, who took over the party preparations and got a cookie cake for all the kids. Evan's favorite part of the cookie cake was the icing, and since he was the birthday boy, he got seconds and third helpings of icing!!! He got to wear a birthday hat and they all sang to him. I am just so distraught I missed it. But luckily my friend and Meema took pictures to share with me.
Like my OBGYN said, this is harder on me then it is on him, but that it's basically boot camp to teach him he isn't going to be the center of attention any more for a while! But that's so hard to imagine, because he has been for so long, 2 years and 1 day! Anyway, enjoy my girlfriend's pictures along with me! It's the next best thing to seeing him. I only get to see him for a little tiny bit each day, and I can't really hold him. But enough venting and rambling. Check back for updates on my poor un-named baby no. 2. And leave name suggestions if you have them. Top name of the week is Drew Michael Starstrom. Coming in second is Luke Edward Starstrom. And Paul's all time favorite is Nathan Michael/Edward Starstrom. But I am not feeling like this baby is a Nathan. Meema's favorite is Will Starstrom, but no middle name sounds good with that. Bottom line is we need all the help we can get!
The hardest part, other than worrying about my unborn baby of course, is missing Evan. This is the first time I have ever been away from him overnight. He is with Meema, so he is in good hands obviously, which helps. But it is hard to hear about his day and not be a part of it. Today was his birthday party at school. I had all the stuff to make cookies for his classmates. I was even going to let Evan help me with the icing and sprinkles :( . Luckily I have an awesome friend whose son is in Evan's class, who took over the party preparations and got a cookie cake for all the kids. Evan's favorite part of the cookie cake was the icing, and since he was the birthday boy, he got seconds and third helpings of icing!!! He got to wear a birthday hat and they all sang to him. I am just so distraught I missed it. But luckily my friend and Meema took pictures to share with me.
Like my OBGYN said, this is harder on me then it is on him, but that it's basically boot camp to teach him he isn't going to be the center of attention any more for a while! But that's so hard to imagine, because he has been for so long, 2 years and 1 day! Anyway, enjoy my girlfriend's pictures along with me! It's the next best thing to seeing him. I only get to see him for a little tiny bit each day, and I can't really hold him. But enough venting and rambling. Check back for updates on my poor un-named baby no. 2. And leave name suggestions if you have them. Top name of the week is Drew Michael Starstrom. Coming in second is Luke Edward Starstrom. And Paul's all time favorite is Nathan Michael/Edward Starstrom. But I am not feeling like this baby is a Nathan. Meema's favorite is Will Starstrom, but no middle name sounds good with that. Bottom line is we need all the help we can get!
Just to help put things in perspective... I was put on bed rest when I was pregnant with Sarah... It just so happens that Zak's birthday coincided with the bed rest thing. I too was EXTREMELY fortunate to have friends who helped out by making sure the plans for his party were carried out. His party was scheduled at Chuck E. Cheese and I cried and CRIED (hormones) because I couldn't be there with him, helping him open presents, blow out the candles on his cake, you know, the WHOLE damn thing. Dick's dad was there to TRY to comfort me as he was helping out during the whole bed rest thing.
When Zak came home I hugged him close, kissed him and asked how it went. He was completely unfazed by the fact I wasn't there. Then my friend handed me a video tape my friends took of the party... I popped it in and watched the whole thing through....
I thought, A Birthday Party at Chuck E. Cheese, and I missed it? How FREAKIN' LUCKY AM I!!!!!
And THAT my dear is perspective!
Abby, I am so glad you are doing better and I can't even imagine going through what you are doing. names are so hard. My favorites are Luke and Michael and I like Will to but I'll have to think of middle names-is it William to be called Will? Let me know. I am praying all the time for you and Evan-at least he knows MeMe real well and is used to her.
I hope you are still doing well, hang in there! I'll send you another email soon :). Evan's party looked so cute...I'm sure he loved it. I'd like to put a vote in for Luke, but if I ever end up having a boy I might need to copy you. I love that name! :)
My vote is Luke! I think Luke and Evan sound good together! Abby, Paul, Evan, and Luke! Sounds like a family to me!!!!!! Hang in there!!!
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