Although, it is a mystery how Evan went from being my sweet little infant boy to a big boy in what seems like the blink of an eye, that isn't what I am referring to when I entitled this post "Unsolved Mysteries." But rather I am referring to a diapering incident that took place last evening. Granted, I am tired and I have "pregnancy brain", AKA, I am more forgetful than normal. But this makes NO sense. I haven't done laundry in about a week, and Evan goes through a couple of outfits a day, so needless to say, I ran out of usual attire. So I pulled out this little cotton romper yesterday after he decided to play with the garden hose with his clothes on and an outfit change was necessary. Anyway, the romper buttons on the bottom, under where the diaper is. I changed his diaper and I proceeded to button the romper. Or so I think. About 30 minutes later as I am cooking dinner, I notice Evan waddling towards me in a very odd way. I look down and I see a diaper around his ankles, still attached with the sticky strips on both sides mind you. I glance down at the buttons of the romper and they are still buttoned. The romper is on the small side, making no room for the diaper to slip out of one of the leg holes. I thought, well surely Evan found another diaper and put it on, on the outside of the clothes. But I unbuttoned him to make sure. Nope, there was no diaper under that romper, it was bare butt. Not only that, but the diaper clearly had pee in it. Evan is not coordinated enough to button himself back up, even if he did manage to unbutton himself and wiggle out of his diaper. WEIRD to say the least. I would say, maybe I put the diaper on the outside of the romper in my absent minded state, but then why would there be pee on the diaper and not the romper? It truly is a mystery, that will probably remain unsolved.
1 comment:
OMG! This is so funny! I would love to know how this happened.
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