Evan looks like he is about to take flight these days. He has what Daddy calls "wings" on the side of his head.... also known as little curls that curl out behind his ears. I am on the fence about getting him a real haircut. Grammy has made her preference very clear... it went something like "don't you dare cut my baby's hair." But Daddy is pretty persistant. What do you think. Cut or not to cut?
Please don't cut my baby's hair, it's sooooooo cute!
Thanks for the new pictures, I miss my little man.
I wouldn't cut until you are good and ready to lose your baby. Cutting hair=toddler. Just be prepared for the dramatic look change. i think he looks cute. but joe made me cut evan's hair too (the 1st time and every single time since)
I like the hair. It is very cute.
Chop it.
Evan looks so cute with his "wings". That said....just cut it! It took me a while to cut Jonathan's the 1st time. I cried & saved every hair that fell. Now every time it starts to get a little long it bothers me. I cut it a little shorter last time & Greg got mad! They do look really grown up the 1st time & it will make you sad but it gets much easier!
Don't do it.
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