One minute..... sweet.

He's making sure I am looking here.
Evan has been mostly sweet lately, I suppose to make up for the last few months of being sour!!! But of course, like any toddler... moods can change in the blink of an eye.
But I did see the first signs of feeling empathy. Before, if he would ever see me cry, he would either laugh or completely ignore me. But last week, as I was watching Grey's Anatomy's season finale and I was sobbing as usual... Evan looked genuinely concerned. His bottom lip dropped and he came over and gave me a hug. This of course, made me cry even harder. Not only was I surprised at his sweet empathetic gestures, I was surprised at the part that made me cry. It wasn't (SPOILER ALERT... IF YOU STILL HAVEN"T WATCHED THE FINALE ON YOUR TIVO, READ NO FURTHER) the possibility of Izzie and George dying, it was when the red-headed doctor went to see his Mom to tell her he was back from the war. I told Evan, he is not allowed to be in the military, no if, ands or buts about it.
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