I have done so much complaining and venting lately on my blog, and that certainly wasn't my intention when I started it last year. The point was to document special memories and share pictures of Evan with family and friends. And I certainly don't want to remember the last few weeks, when it comes to all the tantrums and whining that has been going on in our house. The last three days, Evan has been an angel again. It may be the end of a terrible phase, or just a break for me to keep me sane. But I'll take it, either way. So life may be boring and quiet, but what a nice change of pace!!!!
On another note, Evan can now climb into the computer chair by himself. This means sometimes I can't find the wireless mouse and sometimes he changes the settings on the computer. This weekend, I don't know how he did it or what he even did, but now we have some narrator giving us a play-by-play of everything we are doing online. It's meant for the visually impaired. It may actually be a genius move by Evan, since he can't read yet. He wants to know what we are all doing on this mysterious computer. But it is a really annoying voice, and for instance, if we go to google.com, it says, "you are now at google.com, you are searching for......., would you like to search for..... instead?" Now if I could just figure out how to disable this thing, for now I have the speakers on MUTE!!!