OK, so yesterday we had an interesting ride home from Jacksonville after a week long visit with Grammy. Actually, Paul took Evan home in a separate car. I had to work, and drove back with the dogs after I got off work. After a long day, I just wanted to get home. I was about an hour from home. I had to pee, I was starving and sleepy, but I kept on driving. Soon, I see multiple cars passing me, waving and honking and pointing to my rear tire. Crap. So I pull over on I4, and get out of the car. I was cursing my decision earlier to take my boots off and throw them in the trunk. My feet were aching after work, but Paul had left with all of my other shoes!!! I was also rethinking my choice of shoes that day. My knee high black boots looked OK paired with a lab coat and a dress, and walking the halls of the hospital that morning (really, they did!). But as I put them on, on the side of my broken down car on the highway, I just felt like a stripper. I thought to myself, well, at least someone may stop and help me looking like this!!! Evan wasn't with me.... so you know, my thinking is different when he isn't around!! OK, on with my story. I had a nail in my almost-flat tire. So I proceed to call 911, thinking, I always see Cops helping people on the highway. They go on to tell me there is no such service. So I call Paul. He drives an hour to come change my tire, with Evan in tow. Keep in mind, they just got home from Jacksonville and Evan is not so fond of spending half a day in the car!!! As soon as they arrived, I grabbed Evan and took the car with 4 good tires and went to the nearest gas station. I get there and realize, Paul didn't' put any shoes on Evan. Whatever, when a girls gotta go, a girls gotta go. So I take him into this shady bathroom and realize there is stuff on every hard surface in that restroom. I attempt to squat over the toilet (sorry TMI, just don't try and visualize it cause it wasn't pretty) while holding a squirmy 18 month old. It was at that moment that I realized, that there was poop all up Evan's back. Now it was on my arms, and all down his legs. NICE. So after I finished up, I take him out to the car to change his diaper. No wipes. No freaking wipes to be found in that car. Not a one. Luckily, the gas station had a box of ten wipes for sale for $4. Best $4 I ever spent, I used every single one of them. The rest of our trip was uneventful. But good grief. Just picture me carrying around a barefoot baby with poop on my arms, with stripper boots in a gas station. OY. Glad yesterday is over.
Evan was glad to be home. I think he missed his trucks the most. I brought a handful with us, but that wasn't enough. He hugged his dump truck as soon as we walked in the door. He wanted to take it to bed with him last night!!!

So Corky is glad to be home too. Actually, she is happy to be anywhere with a nice cushy sofa. She isn't too hard to please. Wish I could be that carefree!!

Let me end by mentioning, we did have an awesome time at Grammy's, and it was just the ride home that I do not look fondly back on. And in response to my frantic call on the side of I4, to my Mom... I had an email when I got home notifying me that I am now a AAA member, thanks to Grammy!!!
Oh my gosh....it just got worse and worse, didn't it? Glad you are home safe. I will make sure my AAA is still good and then I am going to buy some extra wipes for the car.
I really can't believe that happened to you. What a horrible day! I'm so happy it all turned out okay at the end. So happy that guy told you to pull over though, guess it could have been worse.
Want to go out for some wine and have a pitty party?
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