Let me just tell you, since moving to Orlando one year ago, I have met some of the nicest people. When I found out I was moving, Evan was 2 weeks old. I had a great gig going, living near my family, loving my house and my job. So I was devastated (oh yeah, and baby blues to boot). But since moving here, I have met some amazing Moms. And Evan has made some great friends too!! I am a family-girl. I like to have my Mama close by (my Mom may not think that, cause I kinda tend to give her a hard time sometimes), but it's true. I never knew I could be so happy, away from "home". But these women and all of the awesome activities we have been involved in have made it so much easier!!!
Today we had a playgroup at our house and Evan had a blast with Sarah Grace, Celia, Gene and Riley. I don't tend to get any good pics of Evan when there are other babies around. I think because I love having new subjects!!!! And what cute subjects they are!!!
Its so nice that our playgroup has its own photographer..... thanks for hosting and for taking such great shots. I shared them with my husband and he wanted to hear all about who everyone was.
Meeting you and Evan has helped make our transition to Orlando much easier! All the babies are so freaking cute. Can we come to your play group so that I can hang out with babies??
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