Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I definitely didn't let Evan have some naked time before his bath the other day after cleaning him up from a poopy diaper (only to soon find out I apparently missed a spot), and then proceed to find Corky (our disgusting dog who doesn't like to eat cat poop, or any kind of poop for that matter) licking his little hiney!! And it did not take me a minute or so to stop her from licking him because I was laughing so hard!!
Paul and I weren't kidding around the other day calling each other Suckers in a really lound and obnoxious voice that sounded more like SUCKAAAAH, when we discovered Evan is starting to really repeat things that we say. So he wasn't saying SUCKAAAAH for the next five minutes straight.

My husband didn't essentially steal all of the silverware we have in our drawer from Outback Steakhouse before we were married, and I didn't decide to go ahead and keep it since it was nicer than the silverware I had. And once, after we were married (and Paul had heard me complain that we had no matching serving spoons) did not once ask the waiter if they had any serving spoons, while were dining in that very establishment. That would be just tacky and probably illegal some might say.
And finally, my husband did not cut little slits in our hamburgers last night while getting them ready for the grill, only to insert patties of butter in them. And the burgers weren't to go along side with the jalepenos I didn't make, stuffed with cream cheese and wrapped with bacon. Because that would just be too fatty, and we are super healthy people.
oh my goodness the utensil story is so funny! what did the waiter say?!
Sarah says, "OH MY GOD, I can't believe they STOLE stuff!"
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