Today we spent the morning at Sea World with my girlfriend Tara, and her very tall (only 5 weeks older than Evan) daughter Mackenzie (AKA Zie). We had a blast. We saw dolphins, sting rays, sea lions, sea turtles, penguins... just to name a few. Evan LOVED the carousel, and that is beginning to be his favorite thing to do these days. He missed his morning nap, so as the morning went on, he got sleepier and sleepier. On the way out, he actually fell asleep in his stroller. I had to document the occasion, because it is a first. I trained him to need a black out shade, and white noise, so he doesn't usually think of a stroller as a place of rest.

Evan: So you got 8 lbs and 4 inches on me.... I can throw a mean tantrum... just wait.

Mama: I told you to sit still yesterday when I was trimming your mullet. Oh well, it will grow out eventually.
Evan: Yeah, the dolphins are cool. But my thumb is pretty much the coolest thing ever.

Zie: I got everyone wrapped around my little finger.

Sea Lion: I am starving, clearly...just wasting a way.... so throw me a fish will ya?

Sea Lion: That bird needs to keep moving, he ain't gonna get any fish while I am sitting here. Man that's a tasty fish.

Ahhh, finally... the

Carousel Operator: Okay lady, stop taking so many pictures and hold onto your son.

Hmmmm, wish I wasn't too lazy to of edited these pictures. Not
lookin so cute today.

Evan: I think I am having fun.... I am. Wait, Am I?

Evan: Hey
Zie... How ya doi
n back there?

Evan: Is she looking at me? Is she checking me out?

Zie: I look good. Damn good.
Zie: I think I got sand in my diaper.

Mama: Wow, these tea cups are small. I guess my brother was right. Sunchips
aren't a healthy alternative to chips. I think I am stuck.

Evan: Now that Daddy isn't here, with his fear of "tea cups" that he calls "motion sickness".... How do you get this thing to go faster?

Mama: I am gonna treasure this picture, because it may never happen again. Sleeping in the stroller that is.
1 comment:
Hi! I found you on SITs! You must be in San Diego since your weather is so nice. I just moved from SD to upstate NY. I used to belong to SW and the Zoo when we lived there. Your little one is adorable.
I also had to tell you, I saw a link on your site to a Graham William site. Well, my son's name is Graham William! Very cool! I wrote to the mom on that site and told her.
Enjoy your warm weather. We had 9 degrees this morning!
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