After taking a hectic walk with my two dogs, Corky and Farley, and Evan in his stroller, I like to look back at calmer times!! Picture this, me pushing my son in a jogging stroller with at least two out of three tires almost flat. Evan crying because he hates to be bundled up and tied down (if it were up to him, he would be running the streets barefoot in a diaper in the 45 degree weather). All the while I am pulling two wild dogs who act like they have never before been on a walk or seen another dog in their long six years of life. During the short 15 minute (felt like 45 minutes) walk, there were many piles of poop that were retrieved in a plastic bag, all while trying to keep the dogs from attacking a fearless miniature poodle and multiple ducks. On the walk, 100% of the people (OK, so we only saw three people) we encountered gave me a sympathetic look and said "you have your hands full", which is a nice way of saying "get control of your baby and dogs PLEASE!!!" And I only have one child, can't imagine what it would be like with multiple children!!!! Sheesh!!! So anyway, after the disastrous daily walks, I like to unwind. And today that entailed looking at these pictures I took yesterday at Walter Jones Historical Park on the St. Johns River. Ahhhh. If only every moment could be that peaceful.
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