Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I definitely wasn't preparing for hosting a playgroup last week, and while multi-tasking, poured the water straight onto the coffee grounds, rather then in the back of the coffee pot and not notice it until I was serving coffee to 5 different Moms and saw coffee grounds all in the coffee. Not Me!!!
I definitely didn't only paint my big toe and my second toe on each foot, when I was in a rush and was wearing open toe heels. And then I didn't wait and fix it until three days later. Keep in mind I don't wear flip flops MOST of the time (it's usually 70 degrees here). But the weather doesn't matter, because I didn't do that!!!!
We definitely don't name Evan's stuffed animals for him instead of waiting until he is old enough to name them himself. We don't have a transgender stuffed elephant either, that would just be odd. Because Evan's elephant wasn't named Chelsea, and then after Grammy insisted he was a boy elephant I finally gave in and changed his name to Howard. We most certainly don't have stuffed animals named Raphael, Raquel, Howard, Julianne, Xander, Oscar, Rupert, Charlie and Duncan. Nope, only weird people would do that, and we are 100% normal.
I didn't sit on the kitchen floor the other day and feed Evan while he was taking all of my Tupperware out of my cabinet, simply because it was easier then putting him in high chair and have him throw a fit because he didn't want to stop playing to eat.
I don't secretly stress out if I am away from home for more than five days, because I am afraid my TIVO will erase super-important shows I have yet to watch. Because I do super sophisticated things with my spare time.
I didn't train my husband to bring me a Diet Mountain Dew every morning to my bedside before I wake up. And I don't seriously ask him wear my Mountain Dew is, if he doesn't bring it promptly at 6:30. Because that would just be kinda bossy and high-maintenance. And that ain't me!!!
These pictures have no relevance. Just cute ones I took this weekend while I WASN'T doing any of the above!!!
lol. painting your two toes cracked me up.
and nice job on training your husband. that couldn't work with me though... he's gone to work before i would ever consider getting up!
happy monday!
omg...he is seriously wayyyy too cute...and I love your Not me's.....stopping by from SITS....and loved your blog....
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