Saturday, January 24, 2009

Lofty Goals

Evan's Pediatrician suggested that Evan stop sucking his thumb by 18 months. It ain't gonna happen. I can try to discourage it.... but I just can't see it happening. I guess we better start saving now for the Orthodontist, huh??

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Sofia will have her bink for quite some time. I was a thumb sucker and it was hard to quit but as long as they don't go to Kindergarten with that habit, I think we're fine and it's mainly at home. i fully understand. Sofia has been sprting 2 binky strings since all these teeth are coming and it's just not a battle I
'm choosing to fight right now. We may have a problem in a few months when her new sibling also has a bink. One day at a time.