The best thing about being a stay at home mom is: Staying at home with my son every day and seeing all the new things he does, and teaching him new things... I could name a million things really. The bad thing about being a stay at home Mom: Sometimes ya go stir crazy!! 95% of the time we find lots of things to do, but there's that 5% of days (days like today)... where ya just get plain stir crazy. There's only so many times you can play with the same toys!!! Today we played outside in the backyard and watch the dogs play. Ho Hum... Evan's all dressed and no place to go.
Nice photos, must be the new camera. Now, take if off Auto and put it to work!
Abby, I know the stir crazy feeling. We're just getting good at this so Sofia can have an actual nap schedule! And once you learn to use your camera in manual you'll love it so much more. You'll really dislike it for a while but then it'll hit you, I'm getting better. Email me if you want any pointers to get you started. jennd78@comcast.net
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