Rolling Ugbie around Gymboree |
Gianna |
Gene |
Drew acting like the King of the Royal Palace! |
The Birthday BOY!!!! |
Not sure why we are all a bit Orange like the cast of Jersey Shore...But here are me and my girls! |
The castle cake. I never want to see another castle cake ever again. I never want to eat buttercream icing ever again. Blah. This thing was the biggest pain in the butt EVER! It looks pretty easy. But let me tell you it wasn't. |
Evan and his buddy Big Evan, riding "the dragon" at Gymboree |
Falling off the dragon |
Notice my sign in the background...Thank goodness someone else caught that it said Birthday Happy Evan before everyone arrived. Yikes. |
Ellie |
Claire |
Kathryn...oh how I miss my Kathryn and her sweet hugs. |
Ugbie tickling Evan |
Sophie |
Kaila |
Wilson |
JAMES!!!!! |
Jonah |
Caleb |
Yasmine |
Prince Evan preparing to blow out his candles |
Check out Drew here. Mr. Super Serious |
Evan's 4th Birthday Party was last weekend at Gymboree. I wish I could say it went off without a hitch. And it basically did. But it was supposed to be at Gymboree's new location which is nice, clean, bright and with a separate party room. The old location is dreary, loud, and dingey. I was going to cancel, or postpone or move venues...but tell that to Evan. He LOVES gymboree and couldn't care less that there are bars on the windows and the bathrooms smell like rotten eggs. So a gymboree party in an old church gymnasium, we had!
The theme...obviously, was castles, knights, princesses and dragons! The decorations were minimal...just a few balloons and banners and pictures of the birthday boy and that was about it! The food...well we feasted on Royal Cheesy Pye (pizza), Feast of Fowl (homemade chicken wings), Dragon Eggs (deviled eggs), and Once Upon a Time Fruit Salad (um...yeah, fruit salad). Dragon spit was used to wash it all down (juice, water and soda). The cake, yup, I already did enough complaining above so I will keep it to a minimum, was a three tiered castle made by me and my brother, Ugbie. Unfortunately this led to my lack of sobriety at my own son's birthday party (no worries, just a drink or two :) ). Favors entailed a book called Good Night, Good Knight, swords and magic wands, candy and a royal king cup. Fun was had by all (I hope) and Evan was spoiled with TONS of presents!!! We were so lucky that Ugbie, Papa and Nana, and Meema could make the party as well as our buddies James and Kathryn who recently moved away. And although it was crazy loud and filled with wild 1-5 year olds running around like crazy, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love to celebrate with all of our amazing friends and family. And Papa still managed to catch a few Zzzzs in the back of the room on a mat, so it couldn't have been that loud and wild, right?!!!!